I began at Fluidigm as a contractor hired to help implement a recent rebrand. I stayed on to become an integral part of the team.
From web banners to exhibition booths, I designed for and managed all aspects of the Fluidigm brand. Working with various departments across several offices, I ensured that brand standards were maintained while evolving the brand as needed.
Below is a small sampling of the projects I worked on during my time with the company.
Fluidigm Marketing

The Single-Cell Connection
Event Imagery
2015 Society for Neuroscience
Keywords and concepts considered during image search: Complexity, Breakthroughs, Networks, Expanding knowledge of neurology, Researchers trying to understand complex Neurological diseases.
Biology Transformed
Event Imagery
2015 Advances in Genome Biology and Technology
Keywords and concepts considered during image search: Transformation, Biology, Breakthroughs, New technology, Accelerating the path to discovery, Bringing new biological insights to research.
Cell Imagery
Throughout my time at Fluidigm, I was asked to bring in imagery that was less abstract. The solution came in working with a water color artist to bring art and science together.

Original direction. Scientific photos paired with the artists style that I felt would best represent the imagery.

First round feedback

Illustrations in use